QR Penguin
Image of a penguin on an iceberg

Free logo QR Code Generator

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Learn More About the QR Code Generator with a Logo

With this QR code generator you can place a logo at the center of the QR code to help it match your branding or give the scanner an idea of where the QR code will take them e.g. Facebook, Instagram or YouTube. By using the size slider above you can make the logo bigger or smaller, a smaller logo means less of the QR code is covered so it is easier to scan. You should always make sure you can scan the QR code before printing it off.
Another handy option is the transparent background toggle above, this lets you remove or show the squares of the QR code behind the logo. This is particularly useful if your logo has transparent elements and you want to hide the QR code squares.

How can the QR code still be scanend with a logo?

Every QR code has error correction, which has four levels ranging from low (7% recoverable) to high (30% recoverable) which means if 30% of the QR code is lost/covered up then it can still be scanned properly. We recommend to keep the error correction on high if you are using a logo.

Can I use my own logo?

Yes, you can upload your own logo to use in the QR code generator.

Is the QR code generator with a logo free?

The QR code generator above is completely free. You can even sign up to generate 2 free dynamic QR codes all with logos.

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